2014 Nov. 16: The best private gay wedding photos

by Lindeka Qampi

What: Gay Wedding

When:  7th Aug. 2014

Where: Johannesburg, South Africa


2014 Aug. 7 Main seats_27481. Decoration: Kim Cordier was Décor person who was responsible in making the entire venue glitz in crystals, chandeliers, red and white and also incorporating rainbow/LGBTI colours in the garden and Reception area.


2014 Aug. 7 Love seats_2761

Important items on our wedding list were:

1.Venue, Food and drinks, Photography, Invitations, Guests, Pastor, Decoration, cake, Suits and shoes, Entertainment system.


2014 Aug. 7 sword king_2767


2014 Aug. 7 bow ties_2769


2014 Aug. 7 the suits_27722. Suits and Bow ties: Red it’s our colour because of its simplicity and warm feeling of love.

2014 Aug. 7 Sekara_2779

3. Makeup artist: was Nomagugu Mwelase who is a beautician working in her own studio in Soweto and has been doing beauty work for quite a number of people in the entertainment industry that’s why we recommended her.

2014 Aug. 7 The pastor_2793

  1. Pastor John Klooper from the Andre Murray Reforming Church in Pretoria Brooklyn blessed our ceremony and we are the church members.


2014 Aug. 7 Skara & Mlu _ in dressing room_2796


2014 Aug. 7 M&S_2831

  1. Flowers exchange ceremony was the highlight of our wedding which portrait love and spiritual path as gay Christians.

  2. Venue Owner: we had a very good relationship with Barbara as we used to visit the restaurant at the venue; she eventually became our wedding planner.

2014 Aug. 7 Mlu best_2821


2014 Aug. 7 Skara & Mlu_2812

 7. On the Red Couch: We waited in the wedding suit to prepare our makeup, putting on our wedding suits, and conduct the interview with journalists from Inkanyiso.

2014 Aug. 7 S&M_2826


2014 Aug. 7 Seats @ venue_28388. Garden: the garden set up with fresh lilies and smell of lavender was the heart of the beauty of the wedding as the red and white colours filled the place with joy peace and happiness.

2014 Aug. 7 Skara & Mlu main pic_2823


Wedding Plans

We meet 2 years ago in Johannesburg and after sometime we decided to get married legally with a small private wedding of 30 people as guests.
We are staying together in Helderkruin, North West of Johannesburg.
We  we have visited most restaurants and other venues around and eventually that led us in choosing Valverde Country Hotel in Lammar Moore, Beyers Naude.
It was the perfect wedding venue as it is outside Johannesburg, quiet and beautiful.
It actually took us 3 months to prepare for everything as we always knew that we will get married. We knew what we wanted luckily had very supportive and respecting friends and family in our lives.

Through commitment and sharing of responsibilities we were able to achieve it all although there were some hiccups here and there. We thank all people who dedicated their time and made our wedding to be the Best and Perfect thing in our lives.



Related link

2014 Oct. 5: “The best day of their lives”










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  1. Pingback: 2015 Aug. 19: Time really flies when you are having fun | inkanyiso.org

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